Burning Fire

Blowing Out A Burn

I never expected to be writing this post so soon  🙂  I have studied this for more years than I care to count and asked more people than you can shake a stick at. I’ve gotten many different answers, and some people told me to stop looking altogether because it is witchcraft, voodoo, and so forth.

However, as I said in my previous post on Ezekiel 16:6, I have seen these things work, and I know that there is nothing but faith there when the “magic” is done. It is sheer faith in God and He, in His mercy, giving an answer to prayer.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s get on to a little more about what this is, how it works, and what the words actually are.

The Nitty Gritty of it

You may have heard the story from a friend, a relative, or a book, or maybe you are just running across a simple blog post such as this one now. But the story holds that there is “someone” who can “blow out a burn,” as they call it. It is called other things as well, such as”blow away a burn,” “talk away a burn,” and so forth. Whatever it’s called, the idea is that there are people who can “say something,” and the pain of a burn will vanish, if not immediately, then VERY soon thereafter. In addition, the burn will be completely healed within 30 days, with no scarring to follow, and I’ve never heard of anyone needing any kind of medication or skin grafts, as is often seen with many bad burns.

I’ve talked with countless people who have been healed this way. It even works over the phone, with the person on the phone speaking the words and the person with the burn victim doing the blowing.

It has been a long tradition that anyone who gives away the “secret” will no longer be able to do the healing, but – even though I may be breaking a tradition that dates back more than a thousand years – I do not believe that.

Freely Give…

Jesus said in Matthew 10, verse 8, “Heal the sick: cleanse the lepers: raise up the dead: cast out the devils. Freely ye have received, freely give.” This is the main reason that I do not believe in keeping these things a secret and one of the main reasons I am seeking to search out all the old ways and pass them along. I believe it is part of our duty as believers and is of the UTMOST importance! Especially for this generation, in such a time as this.

Back to blowing out the fire…

These are the words you say:

There came an angel from the East, Bringing Frost and Fire, In Frost, Out Fire. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen.”

(I believe this is based on Revelation chapter 7, verse 2, even though it doesn’t speak of frost.)

After saying them, hold your mouth about 1-2 inches above the burned area and breathe in. Turn away from the burn site to exhale. Other healers state that they can visualize this breathing in and exhaling part, and the effect is still the same.

Burn Tips

Let me end this blog post by telling you something I learned about a burn that makes more sense than anything I’ve ever heard. It will hit home with anyone who has ever done any canning, and if you haven’t, it may not make sense to you. But believe me when I say – it’s the truth!

NEVER put cold water on a burn!!!!!

For those of you that put up canned vegetables: have you ever blanched beans or other vegetables, and when the blanching is done, you plunge them into ice water to drive the heat deep into the center of the vegetable to quickly cook the inside and then stop? It works the same way with a burn.

When you immediately run and put it under cold water, you’re driving that burn clear to the bone and setting the pain into a place it can’t easily be taken from! It’s no wonder why even the smallest of burns can hurt so badly for so long. While the cold feels good to the skin and gives a bit of temporary relief, the heat of the burn goes straight to the bone, and it will hurt for quite some time.

Home Remedies

Other home remedies for quick burn relief for more minor burns is to cut the peel off a potato, take a spoon, and gently scrape across the exposed area of the potato so that the only thing that comes off is mush. You have to scrape lightly, and it takes a moment. Once you have a teaspoon full, put it on the burn, which will draw the pain and burn out.

If you have a burn that has blistered, burst and is weepy, you can sprinkle corn starch over it, and that will absorb the liquid while at the same time, it will harden and protect the burn. Once it has dried well, you can peel it off and throw it away.

PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT a doctor, nor any other type of medical professional, and I do NOT offer this as medical advice. Before attempting this, or any other home remedy, it is always best to consult your physician, as your own personal situation may be much different than mine.

Thank you for visiting, and please, do stop back in!


  1. Pingback: Ezekiel 16:6 - The Blood Verse - Vintage Pathways
  2. Timothy Beall · October 23, 2020

    French’s mustard works extremely well on burns


    • Stacey Lynn · October 23, 2020

      I have heard that! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂


  3. Helen Baird · January 5, 2021

    I have looked for years about the burn, but already knew about the blood

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stacey Lynn · January 5, 2021

      I’m so glad you were able to find it here, Helen 🙂 I had to do some digging and a lot of asking around to find it too! It’s amazing, all those old ways!


  4. Diane Sullivan · February 26, 2021

    Dear Stacey; I myself can “blow out fire” I’ve done so many times. Even for sunburns. Although my difference is I have never said any remembered prayer. All I do is breath in the heat from the burn then blow it out away from the burn. I picture myself inhaling the fire and then exhaling it out. I believe being a water sign and Cherokee gives me my ability. I enjoyed your article. Thx for doing this topic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stacey Lynn · February 26, 2021

      Thank you, Diane, for commenting! It’s so awesome to know that there are still people who have the gift! I am also Cherokee ❤ I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


    • B. Alvinia · May 22, 2021

      Diane Sullivan,
      Your method is pretty much what I did when I finally thought to try it for myself. The difference for me is that I’m a fire sign and any Cherokee (as well as Shawnee or anything else) in my family is several or so generations back.


  5. B. Alvinia · May 22, 2021

    I recently got a minor burn and remembered the “blowing out the fire” remedy, but couldn’t remember the Bible verse, so just blew on the burn. It worked for me without any prayer. It’s not something I ever thought to try before. I just came across your blog trying to verify if I remembered correctly about a prayer traditionally being said or not.


  6. Kim W. · August 26, 2021

    When I was young (around 8, I am in my 50’s now) I walked across hot charcoal that my family had spilled to the ground to put it out after a cook out. I remember thinking how soft it looked because it was gray and white so I wanted to feel it on my bare feet. Anyway, long story short 3rd degree burns on both soles of my feet. The greatest pain I think I ever felt. My grandma took me that night to an older neighbor woman who took me into her parlor, it was dark, and she “blew out the fire”. I remember her saying something under her breath but I never knew what it was. Anyway, the next day I was running around and playing in bare feet. No pain, no scarring.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Stacey Lynn · August 26, 2021

      Wow, Kim, that is amazing! I remember hearing stories like this all of my growing up years 🙂 The “old ways” may not have been popular or even really understood, but boy, they sure did work! Thank you for sharing that story!


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